Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bass is The UK Base Company Logo Article

Bass Is The UK Base Company

Bass, founded by William Bass in 1777, is of the most successful brewing companies of all time. When the London Stock Exchange established the original FT 30 index in 1935, listing the top 30 UK companies, Bass was included in the list.
The company was and a pioneer of International brand promotion. The Bass Red Triangle was the first trademark to be registered under the UK Trade Mark Registration Act 1875, as trade mark number one!
In fact, Bass, Ratcliff & Gretton Limited received the first registrations, the first being the Bass Red Triangle for their pale beer, and the second the Bass Red Diamond for their strong beer.
The 1875 Act came in to effect on one January 1876 and that New Years Eve, a Bass worker saw the New Year in by queuing overnight outside the registrar office, in order to be the first to register a trademark when the office opened the next morning.
It is of the most distinctive, identifiable and historically significant logos and brands in the World. When Bass was taken over by Coors, of the first things they did was to drop it.