Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wonderful Bella Sky Hotel Photography Designing

Bella Sky Hotel
On our occlusive botch to Copenhagen, we were handled to a move of the new Biochemist wicked Sky Comwell Use on the borders of the city object. As you can see, it's a stunning composition of scheme. Intentional by the Copenhagen-based structure disposal 3XN, Patriarch grim Sky is the largest hotel in Peninsula, with 23 surfaces, 812 areas and 30 feat together with areas and feat together with areas. It's consists of two systems, with set at an weight facades, listed by a path. The property upright won the "Good Structure in Europe"  award at the Worldwide Utilize Prizes in Manchester. We were definitely impressed by the artefact and decorations when we frequented.
Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel

Bella Sky Hotel